It is a reverential compendium that begins with a forward by author Roxane Gay that lays out many of the firsts and speaks to the importance of this Congress: “The people who have been elected to represent us are, finally, starting to more accurately reflect the American people. The firsts go on, and this attractive book, “The Women of the 116th Congress: Portraits of Power” by The New York Times, documents all of them. The first two Native American congresswomen. The first two Muslim women elected to Congress. The first openly gay member of the Senate. The 2018 midterm elections gave the United States a staggering 116th Congress, important in part for the number of women who assumed office and for the diversity among those women. “The Women of the 116th Congress: Portraits of Power,” Abrams, by The New York Times, foreword by Roxane Gay, portraits by Elizabeth D. This cover image released by Abrams shows 'The Women of the 116th Congress: Portraits of Power,' by Elizabeth D.